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Coffee & Communication webinar - Let's talk sustainability

Coffee & Communication webinar - Let's talk sustainability

Dato 31. mai 2022 10:00 – 10:30

Do you want to learn more about how to integrate sustainability topics in your business communication in a more natural way? 

Welcome to join us for our fourth Coffee and Comms on the topic “ How to make sustainable communication a part of your DNA.”

We have invited Matilda Wiechel, Activism and Communication manager for The Body Shop in Sweden and Denmark, to talk about how they work with value-driven communication and making sustainability a natural part of their business DNA.

During this session we will cover:

  • The Body Shop journey to put sustainability at the heart of their business
  • Working with value driven communication and brand activism
  • What are the main challenges of today?
  • Hands-on advise

Read more about the webinar and sign up here! 





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Les mer på www.mynewsdesk.com/no

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